Friday, April 23, 2010

Mau release tension jap...Sbb tengah emo2 ne

Is it My fault? Is it not? God I'm seriously troubled..

This situation happened just yesterday to be exact, to be frank I was uncomfortable with the "blame" some fellow pinpointing at me, ouchh Its soo uneasy to type the exact words you know? Of what I actually want to say? The story goes like this..

I was looking for notes for the preparation for my finals,but smhow I couldn't find the exact notes I was looking for.. our lecturer was so nice to actually give out useful tips of questions, all we have to do was just look for the answers, and that wasn't an easy task u know? Searching through books and internet, there were still few answers that couldn't be found, luckyly my roomate share me some notes she took from someone else... and this starting to turn upside down of the whole situation. Too lazy to elaborate more on what happened, in the end, I was being "accused" for plagarize other's notes.. and I was, WTH? Since when notes have its ownerships? I'm just trying to help myself and my other friends, well if you r the one who wrote the note, then next time please write down you own name BIG ENOUGH FOR EVERYONE TO SEE!! Seriously I typed back all the notes to compare with mine on which one is more suitable for me to write for the examination, because the writing sucks!!! Well, nothing was written there not to share with other, so what's wrong with sending out out to ppl? Hey I did tell them I was not the ones who came up with the answers, FYI information, I myself did try to locate the source of the notes, who wrote it, and honestly I didn't know at all, and currently the "owner" was furious because of somebody was doing that, and that happened to be me! Gosh.... GOSHHHHH!!! What load of crap is going on?? The feeling of uneasyness and unable to let it out seems the worst for me, if I am not wise enough, I just want to shout to everyone, Y U GUYS DID THIS TO ME? I AM TOTALLY INOCENT AND Y I AM PAYING INSTEAD?

p/s: mad is mad... i AM MAD right now

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