Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Napa sa tak letak gambar2 sini?

Sebab internet slowww gila, panat o balik2 mau re-connect, mau pilih gambar lg, kamu tingu ja dlm frenster ba, cyetha jg nama sa..hehe

Monday, November 3, 2008


sorang2 ja dlm bilik, kira mau marathon blaja mat utk exam esk.. adoi bagus la.. blum pun start lg tergoda pula utk mau blogging ish..

Internet ne best bha, ko buli tingu mcm2, sa paling suka cubuk org len punya blog, heeheheh sbb stail blogging stp org ne kan len2!! Kamu paham ka apa yg sa taip ne?? Jan risau sa pun tia paham ahahhhaha..

ada yg sa teringin bt lps abis exam ne, antaranya;

Beli sst yg sa mauuuuu ssgt!!

balik Sabah la!!!

balik rumah, tidur, makan tidur makan.... p pc kesayangan sa lps tu brabis download drama cd, anime, komic, online novel.. baru ko tida tau!!
Syg ja kamu beli sana kedai tu kolo ko buli dpt free2 on9, padahal bil streamyx pun mahal ba, cehhh sama ja 2!!!

Jalan2 cr makan, mau gila ooo kolo tinggal sana rumah ja tu...

hmmm.. blaja la LP mcm bikin sa gila ooo

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Finally I got something to say.

the strengh that I'm pursuing is getting far away.
The bad attitude I'm trying to ignore is coming closer.
Annoyed with some1, angry&upset with some1, dissapoint with
myself, worry. worry and keep on worrying.

How strong am I, did I just act strong the whole time?
Just Pretend that I'm though in other's ppl eyes?
I'm still like this?

Why? I keep on asking this?
The doubts, I hate them!!

I kept on enviousing to some1 whose are better than myself...
in everything, physical, IQ, EQ, skills, which i knew i can
improve these all by myself.

but, this feeling.. that I've been hiding for soo long
is gushing out slowly.. like a time-bomb.

I'm sad, really sad.. i want to let it go
i want to cry, but my ego wont let me

I need someone, but who?
I'm tired of choosing the wrong one.

tears, I havent let them out lately..
I'm too worry of what ppl might say if they saw me

God, oh god, r u busy? I need u now, can I have time to talk with you?
Silly question, I know you've been here for me.. It just that I've ignore you
so many times, I'm ashamed to face u, u love me, I knew... but I didn't love
you the same way you did yet, and I'm really sad with this fact.

Its just that, I'm afraid with your answers...unable to do what u told me,
even the basics ones..

I beg u, oh god, guide me.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

I'm supposed so...maybe

sa tulis dalam Melayu la k??

Tiket kapal suda diawalkan, ponsikou mama ku sayang <3

Minggu ne ada kuiz dan TEST Math... Uii na~~ bagussss -bagusss (dalam hati mcm mau lari jak hehhe)

Rabu ne ada Product Exibithion for Technical English, sa kira rasa yakin juga la, cuma takut kurang markah, 40% markah banyak gilaaa tue!! O_o

Minggu ne, spatutnya bt presentation utk POM, =_=" lum buat lagiiiii la, astaga..

Quiz linear programming, tulung laa buat khamis ne!!! Astaga ada reheasal MPC lagiii adui yai!!

Hehe sa sbnrnya tak juga cemas2 ne, saja mau luahkan beban di hati, byk pikir2 pun tak guna ooo.. tau da

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

How's strawberry taste like?

Finally my childhood dream to be able to actually taste the fruit that I dreamed of to eat come true!!! But its kinda disappointing la, its not that good in my imagination, I think I bought the almost matured ones, thank god i gave half of the whole packet to my friend at other block, I managed to finish them today with the help of my roomates, It was very souurrrrrr!! I mix it with chocolate milk (really the expensive but oh well) but it still taste the same..tsk tsk

Oh just now, we were looking for the airport to change the date of our depatures using Airasia, too bad we lost, really2 lost, poor my friend who's one of the driver, it was not your fault dear dont worry about that ^_^

p/s..why the strawberry milk dosen't taste like the original one?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Holiday/honey moon no more TT^TT

This october month onwards, I have to do my revision because the final examinations are coming soon. So I want to give my all this time. BARABIS gitu.. oh btw, the trip to Penang was AWSOME hehehe.. you'll see at the Varsity Student later on so look forward to it ^_^

Monday, September 22, 2008

Busy like hell... cause I'm going to Penang Woo Hoo!!!

Yup I'm joining the College General Penang celebration that will be held at penang next week, cuti raya week. So I have to endure all types of entertaiment this week and finish up my assignment for the sake of joining this without worry, but what im worried about the most is about the final exam on 14 Oct onwards and product exhibition on 13-23!! There's a big chance the date will clash OH ONNOONONONONONONO!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Its been a while

Yeah its been a while since the last time I posted to this blog. Actually I'm not that busy till I don't have time to write something here but the networking connection here, well as I said in my previous post, its too frustrating even to mention it.

I made some editing to my blog here, so instead of posting here with emotional content, I'll try my best to put it mostly rational and interesting topic here, as least for you guys esp the Varsity students.. I wont add any comment link here. It because I don't think my blog is a place for any discussion watsoever. I mainly made this as a virtual diary, and this is the only place I would do so.

I have a friendster account, and there IS the right place for you to post any comment.. but not about this blog i say. I must make myself clear, here is a place for me to express myself without feeling afraid or worry of being bashed, offensively critised and soo on. And no advise from anyone also pls, I don't need it unless I ask myself from you personally.

Soo, welcome to my blog!!Even if you stumbled upon it accidently!! hahaha!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Aduiii Sedy nyaaa~~~

I recently check my "black market" website and just know that I cant purchase the book I wanted soo much to read anymoreee TT^TT. I really hated the politician for doing this to us the minority. Cmon la y being soo childish, its soo hard to go to the suppliers country, me havent come out from this country yet!! to order it online of coursela impossible cause the CUSTOM really likes to consificate anything that looks suspicious to them.. wasting money and effort only doing that, moreover i dun have credit card, i'm not that rich of a family, got student loans to add, need to pay back again WITH interest..

I just know about this news that was posted weeks ago, and I'm still shaking with agony, the real truth is, I dont have choice anymore,the choices left are go to other country that has local stores to buy them for the translated version, chasing conventions, go to Japan to buy the raw versions... which requires MONEY!! Which I dun have.. tsk tsk

Seriously, If I got the chance, I'm willing to give up my nationality and get out of here!!!

Thats how fustrated i am now...

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Ramadan Month

Dunno la what else to type anymore, But anyway I got math's test soon today.... >.<

Im worried sick!!

Blogging, not yet

Product exibition coming soon.... *shivering*

oh ya, the Titas test just now is quite though, but I've at least read 2 chapters and a note from friend, so I'm not so 'blurred' la at that time..

Hmm lots of events coming soon, esp Raya...>.>

K bye 4 now

Friday, August 29, 2008

Head Spinning....

Well lots of stuff to be done this month I guess, test, assignment, project yeah the same things again.. Tonight I Think of hibernating from all these for a while.

Here's my list of worries;

MATH, I got headache for just thinking about it, do you know I finally memorize the sifir darab when I was 11 years old, and I suck at math generally, OH god the new topic really bothers me, once in a week in hell of Mt lecture is more than suffocating to me...*sigh*

titas, the project, *sigh* I just want to quit thinking about it, no comment lor.

Thats all la, bless to the Lord.

p/s I converted my roomates into liking Korean series already muahahahahaha!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adui... Sibuk betul..

Minggu cuti sa p sana church tinggal sana satu minggu, memang best jgla, byk cerita2 ngan member2 sana, father bw kami pi Teluk Cempedak, sempat main layang2 lagi.. masa tuh sa kana demam la sket, makan ubat sna lps tu okey la skrg, harap2 sampai bila2 hehe..

Minggu ne sa terlampau la sibuk sebab mau urus dokumen pinjaman ptptn, nasib la hari ne kena terima jg, yang mau tunggu no giliran tu la yang paling payah, lammmmmbbbbaaatttt la tersangat-sangat.. kira mau pg library mau update ne blog (mungkin kot) tp btl2 teda masa oo.. selain ptptn mau ready utk test minggu depan sama projek titas lg, tamba case study test, project report 4 titas and math... atukkooi..

Kalu ikutkan prsn sbnr mcm ada prsn enjoy sikit bt smua ne, tapi yang sa tension ne internet ba, mcm biskut chipsmore kijap ada kijap teda..

Ae, bingung sa masih oo psl mau urus masa2 di dsini ne...

K thank you for membaca rungutan sa ne..

Sunday, August 10, 2008

My current goal

I want to finish my assignment first then tell you all about my days at church camping, Really the best one oooo!!

p/s: confirm tak tidur ne malam, tpksa bmalam di bilik kwn sbb ada roomate sa nda biasa bepasang lampu...k, kerja..kerja... apahal ko menaip lagi ne!??? *runs*

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jaga mulut tu skeeet!!!

Sa ndak sekali-kali akan mengatakan apa yang dituturkan melalui lidah saya adalah "bersih" belaka, selalu juga terkeluar ayat2 yang kurang manis didengar, iyala kalau tengah bengong ka "hot" ka? Kalau ok ja mood sa, mana sa mau buang air liur sa berkata-kata kasar ne?

Mesti kamurang tertanya-tanya ne napa sa tiba2 cakap pasal ne? Ada la bha segelintir orang yang sa kenal ne,dia ne kan, adui nda sayang mulut betul.... cakap ikut sedap mulut saja, ada satu kali "kepedasan" lidah dia tu ditujukan kepada saya, bah dia buat macam tu sa rasa macam mau balas ja dengan kata2 yang lebih hebat lagi alla, mimang muka dia pun bikin panas masa tuh dui dui dui... kalau ikutkan hati mau ja sa tampar muka dia.. nah ne skrg yang time sa tulis ne pun sa masi marah kat dia ne~~ dalam hati ja laa, buat apa tunjuk muka masam pasal dia ja kan??

Satu keburukan sa ne kan, kalau sesapa ja buat jahat kat saya, samaada sengaja ka tida, sa akan ingat sampai bila2, tak kira kamu ne siapa!! tapi tingu juga la jenis jahat dia sampai mana, apa status kamu ngan sa, rapat ka tida.. sa ne jenis yang tak dapat rapat bebenar ngan sapa2 ja... tapi kan kalau sa suda tersalah pilih orang, terutamanya yang satu yang sa sdg m'umpat ne aiyaaa... susa2..

Sa ne terlampau sensitif ka? Bergantung la kepada laras bahasa kamu kalau kamu mau menyakat saya, ok sakat2 tu boleh2 aja, jangan terlampau k? Terutamanya pasal agama, bangsa, pengurusan masa saya dan paling penting "apa sebenarnya peranan saya sebagai manusia secara amnya"...Kalau sa tebuat salah silap, sa merayu sama kamu laaa... tulung tunjukkan di mana, bagaimana, macamana dan kepada siapa... jangan bagi yang berkias-kias sa paling nda suka tuh.. macam ala bukan gini la, kamu sala gini la, gitu la... kalau pandai sangat, cuba la keluarkan ilmu di dada tu sket, jan tamaha!!

p/s: Adui masi HOT lagi ne~~

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Keboleh serapan tekanan/stress akibat tugas2:

Dalaman, ok sa makin jadi penyabar suda...

Luaran, alala ketara betul nda dapat ahahahahaha!!

Pasal apa sa tertekan skrang ne? Ala biasala la tuh, faktor kemanusiaan ^^"

Ok la itu ja..

p/s: sabar ja laa, apa buli buat kan?

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Noihann Nodi~~

Baru makan bha ne.. hari ne ada dua kelas ja, yang malaysian studies tu ntah napa tuh lecturer nda datang, kami balik ja laa... lagi pun masa tinggal 30 minit ja, amacam mo study, na cukup masa oo.. lepas tuh pi library buat comment sna Technical English punya blog, masa kelas English, mimang best gila!! Ne ja la kelas favourite sa setakat ne, mungkin tetukar pikiran sa kalau kana bagi assignment alala!

Stakat ne perubahan sa yang paling ganjil skali ialah sa mula minat lagu-lagu tamil hehehe, tu pasal roomates sa sama aktiviti sna Taman Gelora hari tuh. Sa ada minta lagu2 Tamil yang best dr roomate sa, skali da bagi sa semua koleksi dia ne, atuk atuk sanggup juga haha.

bha itu ja la utk hari ni ada kerja ne, kalau kamu ada baca ne blog sms ja sa k?


Mcm-mcm jgla terjadi sepanjang minggu lepas, hari teruk pun ada hari yang menggembirakan pun ada, macam tolak campur tambah campur darab kasi bahagi-bahagi lagi hehe, kira seimbang jg la kehidupan sa sini, kalau sa merungut pun nda patut jg sebab ada pengalaman yang termanis yang 'cover' hari-hari sa yang nda best tu. Tapi sedy la sebab ni signal internet sini nda cukup memuaskan sampaikan sa nda berpeluang berkongsi pengalaman sa ngan family sa, skrg ne mo download gambar2 dr Kwn mat salleh yg pasal English Camp pun... adoi.. sa kira mo upload gambar2 sa kat friendster.. ish bikin paning kepala ja tuh!!

Kalu cakap psl pembelajaran sa ne, hmm makin lama makin sibuk tu ja la sa buli cakap. Mimang banyak la kerumitan pasal ne, tapi daripada pikir2 bertapa susanya mau buat ini mau buat itu.... bagus buat saja la!! Kalau telewat hantar pun sa tak akan menyesal sebab sekurang-kurangnya sa buat tu benda dengan bersungguh-sungguh. Skarang ne kan sa semakin mempercayai hukum karma (atuk KOI) sebab saya mendapati byk kejadian2 yang buruk sehari sebelumnya, bisuknya jadi hari yang terOK dalam hidup sa, gitu juga dengan sikap, kalau sa ketawa berabis ne, nanti lepas tuh mau nangis pula kalau nampak ja kerja melambak hehe.. tu la tu kena kontrol sikit tuh perangai tu, jan terOVER sangat. Mimang pengajaran yang berguna..

Kelmarin sa bilang dr sms sa pg Shah Alam kan 2? Mimang seimbangla hari tu hehe... tp yang paling manis kan dapat naik kereta yang testing kelajuan maksimum, bayangkanla tu kereta melakat sampai 90 darjah sambil dipandu, mimang best gila, masa tu kan sa nda berharap sangat sa terpilih dr 9 org sahaja utk naik kereta2 tuh, mana tau sa nama yang ketiga ne kana panggil, rasa beruntung btl..syukur la

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Happy Friendships Day!!!

Feeling full today cause I just took my lunch, After doing some research through the net then I'll rest for a while then revise my Maths, Well that my plan for today, bye for now

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Sibuk yang nda sepatutnya...

K saya post sini dalam Bahasa sebab sa perlukan bimbingan langsung daripada ibubapa dan kawan-kawan ku yang tersayang. Hari ne sa tension gila oo, apa nda sa langsung tida biasa ne mo urus2 ne urus itu.. Paling sa gerigitan skali yang pasal camping, projek dan aktiviti, hampir bertindih tarikh ngan kerjarumah... betul2 la sa risau ne assignment sa nda dapat siap sebab kena buat ne semua... Kalau kamu semua mau tau... Saya langsung tia dapat uruskan masa saya oo, SEBAB SA TIA PANDAI ADA PAHAM!! wuaa ne la ne kalau gerigitan yang betul2 suda.. ne sa taip sine kan sebab sa teda tempat lain lagi bah mau mgadu ne, dan yang lebih teruk, sa nda suka kana bagi nasihat drp sesiapa pun pasal ne, sebab sa snang terasa bah macam sa seolah-olah nda dapat urus diri sa sendiri, jadi yang sa mau sekarang ialah SOKONGAN BUKAN NASIHAT!!! Jan cuba ajar sa apa yang patut sa buat!! Sebab sa tau suda!! Persoalan skrang ialah adakah situasi akan memberikan saya peluang untuk melaksanakan rancangan saya..

Sa nda dapat meminta maaf atas kekasaran bahasa saya hari ne, yala cuba kamu berbahasa formal yang berabis betul tapi dalam masa yang sama ko sedang betul-betul marah, kamu dapat buat ka?? Mungkin luaran buli la tapi dalam hati? Pikir-pikir la sendiri.

A bad day today..


I should say this If my mind starts to operate like hell... OMG lots of outputs than inputs oo, in Fact I haven't produced one yet!!! Gimme a break for a sec...
oh no here it goes again.... BAAAA LAU BAAAA UUUUUU BAALAU BALAUUUUUU...

Tsk..tsk.. mulau suda sa ne~~

Monday, July 28, 2008

A real Migrain for the first time

Yup at the title said, I'm having a disturbing headache! This is bad because if my head feels painful, I CANT STUDY.. Seriously... I assume the reason on why I got such an useless pain is because I got too much to think and worry about in my brain... Oh here my list of thoughts and worries;

1. Principles of Management
(a) The assignments, I DON'T KNOW THE FORMAT and where the hell I'm supposed to get the conclusion, organisasion plan, human resource management etc etc..
Plans to solve this: Meet the lecturer and ask him, BUT I want to know HIS OFFICE, where is he? I got the raw material already, then how do I edit them according to the task given to me?
(b)The book, OMG soo damn thick! I want to read it but soo little time to do it!

2.Occupational Safety and Health...
(a) I'm confused which material should I choose, I mean which Industrial Accidents to choose?
Plan to solve this: Again, meet the lecturer about this matter, I know where she is, BUT I don't get it, what to ask her?
(b) Presentation: In the name of god, this is easy... but there's additional tasks left to do, about the members and giving some "extra" conclusion.. *sigh*

(a) I WANT TO PRESENT ASAP! I'm tired of prepare and prepare and prepare, let me be spontaneous That's my style!!!
(b) When should I read this subject, So worried about the Quizzes!

4. Matematics
(a) *waves white flag* Please, I NEED SERIOUS HELP!

5. Malaysian Studies
Nope for now

6. The Camps, taman Gelora and St. Thomas Church, PLEASE CLARIFY THE DATE ALREADY!

Phew.... so here are my list of complains... hope you do enjoy reading it, maybe la ehehe..

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Buduh punya SIGNALL!!!

Oh my I used some bad words already, I was soo upset yesterday cuz I can't edit my post the other day, I was soo excited to share some of my stories at the church the other day and my miserable time at the Benteng bus stop terminal and also my English Camp, and now I'm kind off no mood anymore to re-share my story, maybe some time...


Just got up, its 5.43 pm, I was asleep cuz I think I got some migrain or smt similar to it, I really want to study math today but adoi my headache!!! Seriously it really disturbs my biological clock. But then again, I NEVER made any study timetable yet!!! Just the thought of finishing my assignments on PoM and OSH, catching up Chapthers in Maths subject, Project Titas, and lastly PTPTN!!! Adoi so many stuffs to think about in once... oh inila kehidupan sebagai seorang pelajar uni, alala bisuk ada pembentangan ooo, Belum jwb soalan lg ne!!! ARGHH!!!

*sigh* I wish I can convert a minute in to an hour, I'm really the servant of time this weekend.. But I knew I'm not the only one who's experienced this type of situation, I just want to manage which task is the most important to do first!!

You know, I've been planning to arrange my time using a diary, but cari punya cari.... susa btl mo dapat sebuah buku yang hitam tu!! So amacam la? Suggestion?

Ok tu ja la for now... ish becampur-campur pla bahasa sa hr ne!!!

But like Gib said, WHATEVER hehe!!

Its Sun--day~~~

Just got back from Kuantan, I'm feeling pretty tired, there's soo much I wanna talk about but suddenly I dunno what to write now... Pelik pelik... nantila petang baru ada mood mungkin, mo tido dulu penat oo... bye for now

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Test, describe yourself right this moment!!

Starting now!!!

where are you now?
my room in a hostel, uh huh..

what you're wearing?
red shirts and blue pants, underwear.... hehe just kidding

how's your stomach?
full, the cafe sure sells some good foods today, at least for tonite, I wonder about the next day hehe
feeling well?
a bit dizzy since this morning, I want to study already *screams*

Taken your bath?
just took my lunch so later la

how's your hair?
*looks up* uhmm, I haven't combed it yet, soo ya know...hmmhmm

The rain stopped for now, some thunder perhaps, but not at this moment

what's on your left?
my shirts, Its not fully dry so im hanging them

well at least my favourite jacket ^^

My laptop of course!!

my roomate's table..

pretty clean, I've swept it this morning.

last contacts? By whom?
by Jaq through hp invite me for dinner, I refuse cuz I taken some already, hehe

the last things you did on the net?
swearing on PTPTN's page for not loading at all and stalking on some interesting blogs...

one some more?
Enough la, I made these question and answer it myself, nda bikin kesian ka tu!!

no more?? Well okay then!! bye!!!

Still Learning... by myself

This blog shall be conducted in both languages, in Bahasa and English ;P

Well hello everybody (*sigh* yea right the typical greeting again) its me Cyetha from UMP, in case you wonder where it is, don't bother coz you might not care about it anyway..

This blog is dedicated espeacially to my contacts, friends and lecturers, coz I'm pretty exposed already by making this blog so I'm thinking of "playing safe" here, I made this blog purely because I want to IMPROVE in everything, my writing skills, typing speeds, analistic thinking, point of view and soo on.. so wish me the best..

So this blog is mainly about sharing some thoughts, eg. hows the uni lives, outdoor lives but still very limited cus I'm not used to share things in public, as I said in the title, I'm STILL learning..
and a bit noobish hehe..

And one more thing, I'm not very "eloborative" when it comes to this kind of blogging thing. Still, why not just try, nda rugi apa2 pun!!