Hmm, sejak akhir2, ramai jg yang mau add sa kat facebook, kadang2 yg sa tidak tekanal2 pun tiba2 request mau add sa as friend, dan sa rasa sangat x selesa ngan situasi cam ne...
Honestly, I have few close friends only, the last tym I ever had a bestfriend was in high school, I was extremely picky when it comes to befriend others..
Pelik jg sa dgn "dorang" ne, kalau tingu bilangan so called "friend" dorang ne, aatuuukkooiii sampai 200 lebih ba, eehhehe sa sndri ada lebih 100 org suda, itu pun sbb yg mula2 sa open facebook ne, sa men add2 ja, nda kisah la sapa.... tapi skarang ne, sa semakin berhati2 suda.... What's wrong with those BIG numbers?? Seriously do they really know their mates?? kalau sa sendiri, ada jg sstgh tu yang sa langsung x pernah tegur pun, Kalau sa cukup jahat, sa "unfriend" dorang balik owh.... Trus sa terfikir pla pasal mau wat networking, this would be the chance to interact with others.. at least what I thought so
But the problem is..... tegur pun x pernah!! Camna mau wat networking owh?? For your information, I tried to chat with them, post to their wall... but no reply at all... aik? weird rite?
Sm people tue mmg sa x mau add dia la, walaupun sa kenal dorang... ada jg sa x sampai hati kalau sa x add dorang, huh ne yg sa dlm dilema skrg, nnt kalau macam sa perlukan dorang, sa pla terkena balik sebab x add dorang dlu..
Seriously, dorang ikhlas ka mau add sa ne? Atau sekadar untuk meraih ramai kawan? Supaya menjadi lebih popular?
tepuk dada tanyala selera
p/s: sendiri mau pikir daa
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